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Cleveratti Technology Platform for Skill Space.

About the Platform

Cleveratti Learning Platform is designed to help training partners, enterprises and corporations streamline learning and development through our cloud-based, configurable software platform.

Allows multiple publishers to post learning programs and video content

  • Multiple Publisher can simultaneously post programs
  • In built approval process for posted programs
  • Publishers can track the activity on their posted programs
  • Publishers can also track their earnings through the platform
  • Publishers can post subscription plans and credit schemes

Ensures Customer Engagement through gamification

  • Credit Point Management System
  • Coupon Management
  • Subscription Management

Online Assessments and Certification

Integrated Live sessions with learning Modules

  • Publishers can post live sessions
  • Participants attendance can be tracked
  • Recorded sessions are available to the trainers and candidates

Ready Mobile App versions

  • Easy Access through a Mobile App
  • Allows all functions access
  • Allows learning at own pace
  • Course content can be run even without internet access

Interested in using our services

Please fill in your details below and one of our
business executives will be in touch with you shortly