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Here you can find Information on our team and organization

About Our Organization

With over one million assessments done in the skill space, ‘Cleveratti Skills’ Platform is amongst the most prolific and robust technology enabled platform for skill assessments in the country.

The platform has over 3000 assessors across 37 sectors in the country. Having done assessments in all the states and in some of the remotest corners of the country. Our dynamic skills audit platform is also being popularly used by multiple entities in the skill ecosystem as a tracking, monitoring and compliance tool.

Meet our Team

Cleveratti Skills is promoted by professionals from the skilling, consulting, technology and education domains. The team has a deep understanding of skill development space in the country with some of our promoters being involved right from the policy development phase in this Industry.

As a team we are progressive and believe in pursuing excellence as a means for achieving our success and that of our partners.

Our Leadership

Our Advisors

Here's what our customers say

1000+ Happy Customers

Our Trusted Partners