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Entrepreneurial Skills test

What skills are needed to be an entrepreneur? What entrepreneurial characteristics are most important? Those questions are common for people who want to achieve their career goals. Unfortunately, the answers aren’t as easy to find, at least in any definitive result. You can find plenty of literature that examines entrepreneurial skills and characteristics, but results will vary by source.

Vivek is designed keeping India’s context in mind. It is a unique test for young minds trying to choose a career path between entrepreneurship or regular employment. The test also provides valuable insights to the test taker about himself/herself in terms of their natural proclivities. These insights can also be used to discover certain areas of self-improvements, which would help the individual in succeeding in most walks of life.

The various aspects of the test are:

  • Online test that generates an instant report
  • 30 question test to be completed in 30 minutes
  • There are no right or wrong answers
  • The test is available in multiple languages
  • The test measures the following 10 traits, which are desirable for an entrepreneur to possess, these traits are:
  1. Risk Taker
  2. Business Focus
  3. Determination
  4. Delegator
  5. Knowledge Seeker
  6. Creative Thinker
  7. Confidence
  8. Promoter
  9. Independence
  10. Relationship Builder

If career in Data Analytics excites you, you can take our Data Analytics Suitability test to know if you have it in you to succeed in Data Analytics.

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